How calcium chloride desiccant suppliers can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.

While water is very important to us, there are many situations where we simply do not want to see any more of it. Even though our bodies are composed mostly of water, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Water can be significant problem for us if we are not careful and we should always make sure that we have the right number of moisture absorbent products around for different circumstances.

One of the best moisture absorbent materials anywhere is calcium chloride. It's often found as an ingredient in the composite that they spray onto snow and ice with rock salt. You will also find it in medication bottles and other places as an ingredient, where unwanted moisture must be eliminated.

Calcium chloride can be good at getting rid of moisture from the air, cutting down on humidity and discouraging the formation of mold and mildew. Sometimes we need something with a little bit more ability to help us get rid of the physical presence of water. For example, we might find water leaking and seeping through the walls or floor of our basement. This we must stop at all counts.

If leaking floors and walls are not bad enough, from time-to-time bad weather can cause rain water or surface water to leak beneath doors. Sometimes there is not much we can do about extreme weather events other than to react and this is where we should have a moisture absorber product that is purpose made to come to our defense.

No amount of calcium chloride is going to be able to absorb the amount of water that could come into our homes during heavy weather events. This is when you need something stronger like polypropylene. If you include this super absorbent within a flexible and durable material, you have what is known in the country as a hurricane sock.

You can defend yourself against extreme events with a hurricane sock and also guard against a one-off or accidental occurrence. What if your water heater springs a leak suddenly and you have to wait for a plumber to get there? In this case you need to absorb the moisture in a hurry and a typical hurricane sock made of polypropylene can take up to a gallon of water at any one time.

You might have a leak from a pipe or a water heater and don't want to spend time mopping up with a bucket while you could be summoning somebody to help you. This is when the hurricane sock could be left in place as you head for the phone and call that emergency number.

Remember that different products are suitable for different situations. In certain instances, you might turn to calcium chloride to deal with moisture, but for major leaks and accidents and weather events, polypropylene is the product of choice for your moisture absorber.

We have all seen desiccant packs. However, can we describe their use to anyone else? Most of the time we get them as part of the packaging material of a product we have purchased and they end up going into the trash. Nevertheless, these little packets can be quite a useful addition to your toolbox.

Simply put, a desiccant is a drying agent. Removing excess humidity from the product packing material of products sensitive to moisture, is the primary use of desiccant packs. Packaging materials from electronic products are the most common source of these small self-contained packages with which consumers are most familiar.

Rice is a frequently used "low-tech" alternative many of us may have used. Do you remember the few grains of rice in the saltshaker? The purpose was for the rice to remove excess moisture from the salt.
Other than product packaging and shipping, are there other uses for these little sachets? Should the consumer be stashing them away in a drawer or toolbox for later use? Let us look at a few options.

Uses for desiccant packs:

Remove excess moisture from soaked cell phones or other electronics. With all electronics, remove the battery as quickly as possible to avoid as much damage as possible. Through shaking, toweling, and whatever other means are possible, remove as much of the visible water as you can. However, do not use heat devices such as a hair dryer as this can-do further damage to the electronic device. Cover the device in a bowl of calcium chloride desiccant overnight to remove any remaining moisture.
Keep submergible housings on underwater cameras free from water and fog from condensation by adding calcium chloride desiccant inside the casing along with the camera.
These desiccant packs will be an additional level of insurance when added to zipper storage bags that contain various electronics or batter chargers. Keep firearms and ammunition free from moisture in high humidity areas. Add desiccant packs to your gun safe to keep rust at bay. Do not forget to change out the packs regularly to keep them functioning effectively. These packets will normally be larger than those found most often in consumer electronics packaging. Check with your local firearms dealer. Preserve photographs and documents by placing them calcium chloride desiccant in an airtight container with desiccant packs to ensure protection from excess moisture.

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